Learn more about us


Al Majarra Studios is an animation company looking for the next animated hit. Founded in 2020 by Muslim twin sisters in NY, we're dedicated to bringing quality stories to the screen for a wide audience.


Al Majarra Studios is a Muslim TV and movie production company based in the United States. We are revolutionizing how Muslims participate and are being portrayed in the media with authentic narratives written and lived through by Muslim creators.  

The core values that we uphold AMS to are the following:
Awareness– of the wonders and wars of the world around us. ​
Coexistence– of people and communities with different faiths and ideologies while maintaining our Muslim identity. ​
Education– of the Islamic religion; its sciences, philosophy, morality, and multi-cultural and multi-ethnic adherents. ​

Only with our fans and supporters can Al Majarra Studios reach its full potential. So reach out to us! We’re more than happy to hear from you.

Together, a stronger ummah

Support us

Al Majarra Studios is a young company that is currently self-funded in its entirety. Animating, directing, hiring, and many other expenses are tasks the team is willing to face independently. But if you would like to support us by donating, you can do so below:

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In an ever-changing world, we recognize that we all have values that differ from one another. For this reason, any affiliate(s) and/or employee(s) of AMS have the right to disagree with part or all of our official stances and we reserve the right to disagree with theirs. To coexist does not mean to assimilate. 

A Galaxy of Stories

Tiger Twins Entertainment Inc.

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